Up to $50,000

Connect With The Defence Sector and Leading Researchers

Open to industry and universities, DSI’s Collaborative Research Grants are designed to encourage joint projects between Victorian or Tasmanian universities and local industry or Defence. Grants up to $50,000 are available and are intended to provide seed or exploratory funding.

We help you connect with potential collaboration partners within the Australian and international defence community. Preference is given to new collaborations and for projects with immediate or potential leverage.

Working with a top university could lead to valuable commercial breakthroughs and new opportunities. Australia’s universities offer world-leading defence science researchers and technologies, which we help make accessible to businesses of all sizes through our research collaboration grants.

The Collaborative Research Grant is designed to help SMEs take a step into research by removing some of the financial and administrative obstacles businesses can face. We will advise and support you every step of the way during the discovery phase, including making recommendations and introductions to the most suitable institutions for your business.