Internship Grants
Connect To Industry With Internships
Internships provide valuable experience in a commercial environment for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. In collaboration with the Ai group and the APR.Intern program, DSI’s Industry Internship Grants help companies meet the costs of industry internships for undergraduate and RHD students respectively.
Through a short-term placement with an industry partner, students gain both ‘real world’ skills and form contacts and relationships within industry. This dynamic provides opportunities for both industry and universities to broaden their knowledge of the needs and processes of one another. It also provides industry with the opportunity to better understand the innovative prospects that can arise through working with universities, leading to longer-term collaboration.
Industry internships enhance the future employability of students and improve learning and research reputation outcomes for both the student and the university. We support these connections and collaborations by working with industry to find projects for students and help industry meet the cost of hosting interns.
Undergraduate Internships
To help students discover a passion for the defence sector in the early stages of university, we provide funding to industry partners towards the cost of taking on an undergraduate student intern, in collaboration with Ai Group.
Through its extensive connections within the defence industry, particularly through the Australian Industry Group Defence Council and Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN), Ai Group assists DSI to source host companies to foster work integrated learning between industry and universities.
Postgraduate Internships
Administered in partnership with APR.Intern, DSI’s postgraduate internship grants help early career researchers apply their research in a practical environment.
The APR.Intern program places a postgraduate student within a company for three to five months. The value of the grant is $12,500, which is awarded to industry towards the cost of participation in the APR.Intern program. Combined with the current federal government rebate, this program brings innovative solutions to your research problems at a very modest cost.