DARPA invites submissions of abstracts for innovative exploratory research concepts in the technical domain of advanced mathematics.
Specifically, DARPA is soliciting ideas to explore the question – How can new mathematical
frameworks enable paradigm shifting problem formulations that better characterize complex
systems, stochastic processes, and random geometric structures?
COMPASS aims to explore a wide range of new mathematical frameworks that have the potential
to revolutionize Defense applications. Of particular interest are problem formulations that exploit
recent mathematical advancements in complex systems and modern probability (eg graph signal
processing, random geometric graphs, graphons, mean field theory, McKean-Vlasov processes,
random matrices/tensors, rough path theory, stochastic partial and ordinary differential equations
on manifolds, stochastic geometry, etc) to address one or more of the following problem classes:
- Heterogeneous and multiscale behavior in large systems or networks
- Stochastic processes in dynamic, random, or information-limited environments
- Random geometric structures in high dimensions.
USD$100,000 – $300,000 is available for projects of up to 12 months duration.
This opportunity is released under the master Advanced Research Concepts Exploration Announcement DARPA-EA-25-02.
Abstracts are due 12 May 2025.
ARC Opportunity – COMPASS: DARPA-EA-25-02-03_Amendment_1
Exploration Announcement – ARC: DARPA-EA-25-02