DARPA invites submissions of abstracts for innovative exploratory research concepts in the technical domain of biohybrid robotics.
Specifically, DARPA is seeking ideas to address the question – How can synthetic and biological components be integrated to enable biohybrid platforms that outperform traditional robotic systems?
HyBRIDS aims to address significant engineering and design obstacles that prevent the development of deployable biohybrid robotic systems by understanding and controlling the integration of synthetic and biological components to achieve desired emergent system properties.
Key technical challenges in this area that impede the advancement of biohybrid robotics, and are potential areas for research efforts include, but are not limited to:
- biological component integration into robotic platforms
- robust design methods for integrating biological and synthetic materials
- approaches to achieve and quantitatively characterize interfaces
- techniques to overcome common deployment obstcles.
USD$100,000 – $300,000 is available for projects of up to 12 months duration.
This opportunity is released under the master Advanced Research Concepts Exploration Announcement DARPA-EA-25-02.
Abstracts are due 7 April 2025.
ARC Opportunity -HyBRIDS: DARPA-EA-25-02-02
Exploration Announcement – ARC: DARPA-EA-25-02