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US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) – Biological Threat Reduction with Global Partners – HDTRA1-24-S-0002

Home / Funding Opportunity / US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) – Biological Threat Reduction with Global Partners – HDTRA1-24-S-0002

US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) – Biological Threat Reduction with Global Partners – HDTRA1-24-S-0002


The DTRA Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) protects the United States, its Armed Forces, and our allies
from biological threats by strengthening the capabilities of partner nations and the international community to prevent, detect, and prepare for disease outbreaks.  This BAA is an extramural endeavor that seeks to bring funding to
biosurveillance studies that support biosecurity and biosafety capability building, in-country partnerships,  and other needs.

DTRA is seeking ideas and topic-based abstracts (up to 250 words)  for co-operative scientific studies that offer a significant contribution to

  • support, enhance and inform partner country systems to detect, diagnose and report diseases;
  • instill biosecurity and biosafety best practices and principles;
  • foster sustainable bioscience capability development with partner countries; and
  • establish collaborative partnerships with BTRP partner countries.

Abstracts and any subsequent White Papers and Full Proposals will be assessed on a rolling basis until 28 April 2029.

Proposed projects may be of up to 5 years duration (base of 3 years plus additional years as possible options).

Study Focus Areas

  • improving understanding of the burden, incidence, prevalence or distribution of endemic, novel or emerging/re-emerging diseases
  • strengthening understanding of environmental or population risk factors influencing transmission or zoonotic spillover (eg cultural practices, infection prevention and control, migratory and grazing pathways) to develop prevention or mitigation strategies
  • evaluation detection or diagnostic methodologies (eg evaluating commercial off-the-shelf kits in a country’s biosurveillance system, designing effective detection protocols)
  • evaluating or designing effective and self-sustaining training programs to enhance partner nation capabilities to detect and diagnose disease
  • testing or evaluating biosecurity or biorisk management protocols to develop an evidence base to inform local biosecurity or biosafety guidelines

Lines of Effort

  1. consolidating and securing pathogens
  2. facility-level biorisk management systems and culture
  3. national-level regulatory frameworks
  4. disease detection
  5. laboratory diagnostics
  6. epidemiological analysis and investigation
  7. reporting and communication


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Broad Agency Announcement – Biological Threat Reduction with Global Partners: BTRP Science BAA_Final

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