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DSTG and DMTC : Human Integrated Sensor System (HISS)

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DSTG and DMTC : Human Integrated Sensor System (HISS)


How can we use subtle signals from the human body to detect and react to infection (or chemical exposure) before we get sick?  
Initiative Background 

In partnership with DMTC, Defence Science Technology Group (DSTG) is looking for people with experience in sensing systems, advanced biotechnology and data analytics, to share knowledge, experience, and ideas at their Human Integrated Sensor System (HISS) collaborative workshop.

This workshop will be run as part of the Department of Defence’s Operating in Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Environments (OCE) STaR Shot. It is one of the core future focused problems Defence and DSTG are prioritising as part of the More, together Defence Science and Technology strategy – the sort of problem that DSTG-DMTC can’t solve without significant advances in science, technology and research, alone. They want to collaborate with industry and academia to solve this challenge.

The Problem

OCE is arguably one of hardest assignments that our warfighters have. Not only do they have to perform strenuous tasks such as fighting an adversary or supporting civilians in the aftermath of a disaster, they have to do these tasks in the presence of extremely dangerous and most times invisible threats that can spread rapidly and widely if uncontained.The devastation of CBRN attacks can be harmful not only to our warfighters, but to civilian communities, individuals, flora and fauna including livestock intended for consumption. It is a unique challenge to have to defend against something you may not be able to see, hear, touch or smell.

The HISS will draw together leading edge and commercially available wearable sensors and pair them with advanced data analytics approaches to assimilate subtle cues of exposure/infection and give warning before obvious symptoms manifest. This will allow countermeasures to be enacted with greatest effect. Systems are likely to involve heterogeneous networks of sensors and may involve on-skin and/or sub-cutaneous/bio fluid measurement.

What DSTG and DMTC are looking for

If you have the skills and experience in these areas and are interested in taking part in the HISS collaborative workshop, please respond to our Request for Information (RFI). Following this workshop DSTG-DMTC expect to seek proposals to conduct funded project work in this area.

DSTG and DMTC can’t solve these challenges alone. They want to partner and they want to partner early so that together they can explore what’s possible and co-design their way forward.

Timeline and Process for HISS is as follows:

  • Release of RFI 4th August
  • Responses due 25th August
  • Invited workshop Sept 2021
  • Call for proposals based upon a more narrowed focus identified in the workshop and from RFI responses

RFI Release Documentation For Download


Please return completed responses to email :  on or before 25 August. Earlier responses are welcomed.

When responding to the RFI by email, please ensure:

  • “RFI -Human Integrated Sensor Systems” appears in the subject line of the email; and that
  • Your submission is in a PDF format prior to submission

Assistance and Further Information

The point of contact in relation to this Request for Information is:

  • Name: Dr Felicia Pradera
  • Title: General Manager – DMTC Health Security Division
  • Email:



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