Entries are being accepted for the aiia 2025 iAwards, closing 4 April 2025.
iAwards is looking for innovations that can make a difference or have the potential to create positive change – be it on a local, national or global scale.
iAwards submissions are accepted from innovators across Australia, whether you are an individual, a group, a government or private organisation, or a student.
Tasmanian innovators must enter through the TasICT Awards.
Whttps://awards.tasict.com.au/estern Australian innovators must enter through the WAITTA INCITE Awards.
Award Categories
- Prep to Year 12 Students
- Tertiary Students
- Not-for-Profit and Community
- Government and Public Sector
- Business and Industry
- Technology Platform
- Start-up
- Sustainability and Environmental
- Diversity Award