ASCA will present their first Pitch Day, Wednesday 18 September 2024, as part of the Australian Defence Science Technology and Research Summit (ADSTAR).
The theme for ASCA’s Pitch Day 2024 is ‘Innovative Asymmetric Advantage’ and provides an opportunity for Australia’s sovereign defence industrial base to present their innovative ideas to Defence and wider stakeholders in the ecosystem.
Demonstrating an innovative technology, shortlisted organisations have been down selected by a Defence panel of evaluators to present a 3 minute pitch. Finalists will be announced at the ADSTAR gala dinner later that evening.
The Pitch Day will provide a unique opportunity to view first-hand innovative capabilities of interest to Defence, whilst creating a networking landscape for collaboration and partnerships to form beyond the remit of Defence.
To register attendance, please visit and enter AD24ASCA@EB to receive your ASCA discount. Tickets for the ADSTAR Gala
Dinner may also be purchased from the above link.