The US Army Applications Lab is interested in technologies which can be shown to deliver the Army of 2030 and design the Army of 2040, enabling the the Army to be ready to deploy, fight, and win decisively against any adversary, anytime, and anywhere, in a joint, multi- domain, high-intensity conflict, while simultaneously deterring others and maintaining its ability to conduct irregular warfare.
This Broad Agency Announcement will accept white papers and proposals on an ongoing basis until 4 April 2029.
Occasional calls for special topics will also be posted under this BAA.
Proposals and whitepapers are expected to be for cutting-edge innovations that could produce discoveries with the potential for significant impacts to enable new and improved Army operational capabilities.
AAL will also accept consider white papers and proposals outside of the listed research areas and topics of interest.
Some areas under this BAA may have security restrictions which may preclude non-US involvement in that particular area.
Areas of Interest
- autonomous platforms – autonomous ground and air vehicles, operating in open, urban and unclutter environments
- Al and machine learning – reducing the cognitive burden on humans and improving overall performance through human-machine teaming
- data visualization and synthetic environments – enabling improved situational awareness and visualization and navigation of large data sets and to enhance operational activities and training and readiness
- assured position, navigation and timing (PNT) – new technologies as key enablers for autonomous vehicles, communications, land navigation; enabling robust PNT for vehicles, soldiers, munitions
- power generation and management technologies – reliable power for small vehicles, individual soldiers, munitions, where power infrastructure is not available
- sensing – detailed understanding of the environment and activities in areas where operating; detection
- communications and networks – secure, reliable communications for soldiers, vehicles, fixed locations, even in austere environments
- computation – high performance computational capabilities to exploit large data sets and to compute complex AI/ML applications for many applications
- space – exploiting space assets; high-resolution sensing; enabling low-cost access
- internet of things (IoT) – integration of a wide range of capabilities and equipment to capitalize on commercial developments in the industrial and human IoT; automated re-allocation fo communication resources
- quantum technologies – computing, sensing, communications and networking
- signature reduction – reducing capability signatures; reducing external signatures of soldiers, army platforms and equipment; reducing RF, optical, thermal, acoustic, magnetic and other signatures
- protection – CBRNE threat sensors; armour; cyber protection; human performance optimization; early warning systems
- human performance – reducing soldiers’ mental or physical burden, allowing them to react faster than their adversaries; human-machine interaction; effectiveness of enhanced training tools and techniques;
- contested logistics – maintaining operational superiority over adversaries through an environment in which logistics operations, facilities and activities are disrupted or non-existent; leveraging data analytics; reducing logistics tail; point of need manufacturing in austere conditions
- kinetic payload – scalable effects to disrupt, decoy and/or deliver lethal effects against threats
Broad Agency Announcement – Disruptive Applications: AAL+BAA+W911NF-24-S-0008+FINAL