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US Dept of Defense – Pancreatic Cancer Research Program

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US Dept of Defense – Pancreatic Cancer Research Program


Idea Development AwardHT9425-24-PCARP-IDA

  • up to USD$500,000 over 3 years or up to USD$650,000 over 3 years (ECR Partnering PI Option)
  • pre-proposals due 28 June 2024
  • supports development of innovative, high-risk/high-reward research that could lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that accelerate progress in improving outcomes for individuals with pancreatic cancer
  • must address at least one of the Focus Areas
  • clinical trials or proof-of-concept intervention studies on human subjects not allowed
  • Document – Funding Opportunity: HT942524PCARPIDA_GG


Translational Research Partnership Award – HT9425-24-PCARP-TRPA 

  • up to USD$750,000 over 3 years
  • pre-proposals due 28 June 2024
  • Supports partnerships between clinicians and research scientists that will accelerate the movement of promising ideas in pancreatic cancer toward clinical applications.
  • Supports the development of translational research collaborations between two
    independent investigators to address a central problem or question in pancreatic cancer in a manner that would be less readily achievable through separate efforts
  • One partner in the collaboration must function as a research scientist and the other as a clinician investigator
  • projects involving convergence science partnerships are strongly encouraged
  • must address at least one of the Focus Areas
  • preliminary data required (does not necessarily need to have been derived from studies of pancreatic cancer)
  • Document – Funding Opportunity: HT942524PCARPTRPA_GG


Focused Pilot Award HT9425-24-PCARP-FPTA 

  • up to USD$200,000 over 2 years
  • pre-proposals due 18 September 2024
  • Supports the exploration and development of impactful and innovative concepts under two patient-centered focus areas of pancreatic cancer research that could ultimately lead to major advancements that will have a profound effect on patients’ overall quality of life.
  • Research supported by this award should strive to produce robust preliminary data that can be used as a foundation for future clinical or realworld research application
  • Must address at least one of the following Focus Areas:
    • Supportive care interventions, patient-reported outcomes, quality of life, and perspectives during diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship.
    • Barriers to the implementation of health care, including ways to overcome socioeconomic, geographic, or ethnic and racial disparities.
  • Document – Funding Opportunity: HT942524PCARPFPTA_GG


Focus Areas

  • Early detection research for pancreatic cancer, including the prevalence in individuals with pre-diabetes and diabetes and/or those in underserved ethnic and minority communities.
  • Supportive care interventions, patient-reported outcomes, quality of life, and perspectives during diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship.
  • Barriers to the implementation of health care, including ways to overcome socioeconomic, geographic, or ethnic and racial disparities.
  • Identification and characterization of pancreatic cancer risk including genetic and environmental risk factors, such as diet, obesity, and microbiome.
  • Understanding the relationship between metabolic disruptions in pancreatic cancer and their systemic effects, including diabetes and cachexia.
  • Understanding tumor development and progression, from precursors to metastasis
  • Understanding the relationship between oncogenic signaling and the tumor
    microenvironment that drives drug resistance and therapeutic response.
  • Biomarkers to predict therapeutic response and guide management strategies.


Apply here

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